Thursday, September 27, 2012

2 dimensional studies ,26 september

          First time i am sitting infront of computer for blogging . Well , Mr charles brief us on tuesday in 2 dimensional studies class about what is 2 dimensional studies and some different kind of painting such as photographic , abstract, and many more . He told us to bring rocks, leaves ,as long as it is natural thing. We had to made a self portrait with those things  . But i have no idea what materials i want to use for the self portrait. 
                The next day , i just bring along some charcoal and different type of leaves. In class , everyone were starting to busy with their self portrait , but i were stunning at there and thinking of  ideas . Finally i have an idea to made a 2d self portrait using those leaves . After 2 hours ++ of doing , finally it done  =D ! 

                During the semester break lack of practicing drawing so my drawing were regress , well it still gt a bit look like me ,  the charcoal i bring just use to draw some streak and pattern on face .......     

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